Interpolation modes
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You may notice its not terribly smooth. This is due to the interpolation mode selected. Dollycam supports following interpolation modes:
The only modes you should use are bezier and spline. Both interpmodes are great for what they do; spline is more favored recently and with editors, while bezier has been very popular and reliable.
If using spline, execute dolly_spline_acc 10000
. This increases the amount of times that the positions of objects are interpolated, creating a smoother path for them.
Smoothest possible pathing. This is great for map cinematics or cinematics without a real focus.
Not much difference between an utter beginner and some of the best editors, due to its smoothness (framing is another issue).
Does not always hit points. This means it may not look like how you originally wanted (may be behind in time, or not face the right way).
Bugs out with over 21 points.
Some movements are impossible (like short, rapid movement), while they can be done in spline.
Always hits points. This is better for specific cinematics, with focus.
Also good for beginners, little hassle.
Sporadic placements can lead to a very messy path.
Frame skipping bugs, gap jumping, and whipping can be problems, however they are rare with experience.
Can be incredibly hard to get as smooth a path as bezier would, without experience.
Linear, set by default. The camera goes straight from one point to another.
Bezier, one of the two most common modes. This creates the smoothest possible path between points, yet it may not hit your points in time, space, or rotation exactly.
Cosine, an experimental mode. This isn't really used, as there are severe cuts between points.
Catmull-Rom, an experimental mode. This can work however it can interpolate rotation very weirdly, so it is rarely used.
Spline, the other most common modes. This hits every point exactly, and tries to create the smoothest path between them.